Saturday, June 12, 2010
Where to start??
Okay, so I just decided to create this blog, and it's really something I should have done a long time ago. I love to write, and my favorite subject of all is, of course, my family! Or, mi familia! Even though you can read it in my profile, I will go ahead and let you know a little bit about me. My name is Kellie. I am first and foremost a Christian, and love Jesus with all my heart. Second (and almost as important!) I am wife to a wonderful man, Ivan, and I am also mother to three incredible kiddos! Rosa-3/12, IJ-2, and Isaac-9 weeks. Those three are the absolute lights of my life...and while they drive me nuts sometimes, I wouldn't trade them for all the moons and starts in the universe! I haven't had the easiest time these past several weeks, as my husband has had to go away for a little while, and right now I'm raising these kiddos by myself. Whew--it's so much harder than I ever thought, and I can't wait til he's back to do this again with me! I never knew how much he actually did and contributed to our family til he was gone! Hopefully he won't be gone too much longer! Right now is sort of a waiting game for us...and trying to have a normal life in between! Thank God normal is starting to really feel normal again--I got a job! I have been off work and without a job since October of 2009, and I just decided to stay off work throughout the rest of my pregnancy with my son, and now--I not only HAVE to have a job, but I am glad for it! I've missed working so much, and I get to start on Monday! I'm super excited!!!! SO--now you know a lot about me. Not everything, of course (as a girl has to keep some things to herself!), but it's a good start! I'm going to go for now--but will post later with some of the mischief my lovely children have been in lately! Gotta love that crazy-beautiful familia!
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