I didn't get to clean like I wanted. I did make the kids pick up the toys scattered amongst the house, but that's about all that got done. We ended up having to go to Walmart and then to my dad's house for supper. I will be honest--I was not exactly looking forward to that. After this whole week being super crazy, I didn't want to have to go to his house and cook supper for him and then clean up the mess and then wrangle my kids all at the same time (because his house is anything but childproof). It's honestly an exhausting process. Well tonight he surprised me. When we got there, he already had supper cooked! Yay! Since he did that, I didn't really mind doing the dishes. But of course my 2 year old IJ threw several fits, including whacking ME once...so not pretty! And he's having some poop issues, so that made it real fun too. Finally, about 8:45 (an entire hour later than I wanted to be out) we finally headed home. Get the kids in the bed and then IJ starts the pooping thing again! Luckily for me one of my best friends just so happened to be at Walmart...so I called her to get him some medicine...which she did--and now he's asleep so I can't even give to him! But I'll take that any day over a fussing, pooping, cranky toddler! HA!
Then...I cleaned. Simply because I was really wanting to say "oh I'll just do it in the morning" til on the way back my ma decides to tell me she really is coming home tonight. YAY. Don't get me wrong--I've missed her and glad she's back! But, talk about pressure to have everything done before she gets here! Everything is pretty much back to normal and looking good...so I hope it passes muster. I'm betting that now that the house is clean she'll call and say she really is going to come back in the morning as originally planned! So far that hasn't happened, but I figure it will! I'm also betting that at least tonight, she'll be too tired to care, so I'm hoping I'll have a free pass til tomorrow at least!
Tomorrow we have church, and I know my ma won't be up for it, but I'm looking SO forward to it. It's my time to drop the kids off at their classes and have a few minutes for me! I'm gonna head to bed now...but I am really glad I started this blog. Who knows if anybody is ever going to read it--and quite frankly that's okay if they don't. It really just helps me clear my head and think better...gets my thoughts much more organized!
To any who are reading this--goodnight! I am going to try to write more tomorrow!
crazy-beautiful familia
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