OK, so, right now the kids are supposed to be napping, which they aren't. Right now, I'm supposed to be cleaning, which I'm not. I guess I can't get mad at them for not following the rules if I'm not following them either! I'm sitting here at the computer amidst a messy house...messy is actually not enough of a word. Destroyed house is more like it. And, if it were just my house it wouldn't be as big of a deal...but it's my mom's house. So, that alone makes it a VERY big deal! Thankfully she is gone now til tomorrow morning--she's been in Florida all week (lucky duck) and my kids have been extra rough on the house this week. I've tried my best to keep everything nice and tidy, but we've stayed gone so much this week that I just have not been able to keep up with it! SO...tonight, even if I have to be up the entire night, I'm getting everything spic and span...but right now I just don't feel like it!
Earlier this week my children found an unopened package of Goldfish (the crackers, not animals...as a friend had to make the distinction earlier this week and was grossed out by the thought of it being actual real fish...) and smushed the crackers into the carpet. The entire bag of goldfish. Even after vacuuming for what felt like forever, some of those pesky orange crumbs are still just randomly showing up! And today, there are a bunch of them!

Once I get done at the computer I am going to have to force myself to just bite the bullet and clean up...there are enough toys in the living room to put Toys R Us to shame...and enough dishes in the sink to make you think stocks of Dawn liquid just might go up! I mean really, it's just basic maintenance, but good grief. I just want to take a nap along with the kiddos, but if I don't clean while they are resting, it doesn't do any good b/c they simply destroy the other rooms while I'm cleaning in another! Oh well...a house is made to be lived in, isn't it???
And while I'm on the subject of their crazy antics...I cannot find the remote control for the living room TV. As in, it seems to have disappeared into thin air. When I asked my two year old where it was (as he was the only kid awake when it went MIA) he easily went to the air conditioning vent and said "down there". When I repeated my question and his answer to him, he emphatically nodded yes! OH NO! What am I going to do if the remote truly IS in the vent? I lifted it up and couldn't see it, but there sure is enough room for it to have been thrown down there. The only thing is, he was in the same room as me and I NEVER saw him go down there...so maybe he is just pulling my leg. But then again, he's 2. He really doesn't know how to do that yet! UGH!! I just don't understand why they can't just be good for a little while!! But...like my title says...crazy-beautiful familia...doesn't mean it's equal parts crazy to beautiful...today the scales are tipped WAAAY on the crazy side!!!!
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