Tuesday, July 6, 2010
well it's been way too long! oops!
I've been working--still absolutely loving my job! However...today was the first day for me to be out on the floor by myself...and I must admit that it was slightly terrifying! I was SO good in our training room. And this was SO not our training room! I am really hoping that I get the hang of this job really soon...bc I TOTALLY need a bonus check in August...so that means for July I have to kick butt. And not just a little butt...we're talking big time booty! And I'm more unsure today after working about my job than I was Friday when I left...it's just confusing! But-I am going into this with the attitude that I WILL do it...so there. I will! =)
The kids actually went down tonight pretty good...which I am kinda afraid to even type for fear of it going bad! Bedtime has done nothing but get worse thse past couple weeks, so I'm praying for some resolve on that! I need them to just go to bed when I say, and sleep in their own beds. How flippin hard is that?? =)
So...I got to see my husband on Sunday. It was an extremely long drive, but it was worth it. Seeing him, even in the conditions we are having to live with right now, just makes my world spin a little bit better...maybe more right. I don't know how to describe it, but him being gone has probably been one of the lowest points in my life, and trust me, I've had several bad moments. This is just worse somehow--knowing that he is just right there, yet I have absolutely no control over what happens to him. Neither does he. The fate of our entire family rests in the hands of someone who doesn't even know us...and that is just SO scary. I know that he has to handle this business--no matter how hard you try to run from or hide from your past, it always finds you. He knows that too. I just want him back so I can be whole again, and have my life back. It's pretty sucky to have your very best friend, the love of your life, miles and miles away. But, just like with my job and the unknown there....this is going to be okay too. Bc I want it badly enough, so I know it will be. I just don't know how much longer it's going to take! Hurry up July 26!!! And I am praying for GOOD NEWS!
So...enough of the depressing crap! I'm ready to be happy again...so I think I'll find something to be thankful for. Yeah, I know there's too many to list! So...I think I'm still on the right track. I love my family so much...they are pretty much awesome and better than anybody else's! HAHA! Life is just totally crazy for me right now, but I'm just going to make the best of it and keep on truckin! Anyody else ever feel like that? That there's not much you can do but keep on going on--even when you have no clue what you're doing? Yeah, that's where I am now...oh well...good things are on the way! I just know it!
Until next time,
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Sleep Here I Come!
Anyway...like I've said before, my hubby is gone right now. Well, today, he's even further away, and it's not been a great day for me. I am really wanting all his business to get cleared up so he can come back home...but we won't find out more for real til about July 26. I'm praying for good news on that day!
That's enough thinking about sad stuff. Today was a good day with the exception of the above mentioned! Nothing too terribly noteworthy....except perhaps the WWF Smackdown my children attempted in the middle of Walmart, or the frumpy lady who almost made me speak my mind for a minute when she wouldn't quit staring (and I mean mouth wide open, staring and gawking! Just for me swatting a leg! Come on now!). It was ridiculous! And then my little boy decided tonight that he not only wanted one of my mom's pillows from her bed to go to sleep, he wanted two of them...and finally climbed into his bed with her pillows all laying around him, with her sheet on his bed too. It's hilarious! Hope she doesn't want those pillows tonight!
Well, that's all for tonight I think. I'm just worn out, and tomorrow is another long day for me! I get up between 5-6 am, (should be 5 but it's always closer to 6 before I can muster the strength of to get up!!) and then don't go to bed til about midnight every night and end up getting up at least 2 times with the kids. It's a crazy hectic schedule but I love my job and am so glad and thankful that I have it! Can't wait to get into it really good! I've got to put clean sheets on my bed, get kids clothes ready for tomorrow, and hit the sack. I'm whooped! Later all!!!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Week 2
Anyhow, sorry if I haven't blogged in a few days. I've missed it so much...just spending even just a few minutes every day to write helps me so much, but my dears (for whoever may read this) I have not touched a computer since Friday when I left my work. I've been going non-stop...and have been so exhausted it's not even funny! But, thankfully, tonight has been calmer and I get to write, and even just a little bit is better than nada!! I hate for my poor blog to feel neglected though! =) Haha.
So...what all has been going on in my world? Not much different...same old stuff. But you know what? Even with all the drama and bull that my entire family has been going through lately, I am still just so thankful for everyone and everything happening in my life right now. I found out that I pretty much have like the best friend a girl could ever ask for...and I just hope that I'm even just half the friend to her that she is to me. This FABulous lady has been my shoulder to cry on soo much lately, just when I've needed it. She's also been there to laugh til we cry, usually when I do something stupid and we both dissolve into the giggles. I love you girl!!!! Why am I going off on this tangent tonight? I'm sure if you're reading this you're wondering why. I'm not sure...I guess it's just because I don't think I ever say thank you enough to her and those around me that are so awesome...and even if they don't see this blog, it's my way of reminding myself how incredibly blessed I am!
I know my family is going through a lot right now, and I'm doing the best I can to hold it together for my husband and my kids, and it's not easy at all. I miss my husband so bad it hurts...and I don't know how I'm going to keep going on til he can eventually come home. You know what though? I know that I'm not doing it by myself. I've got an amazing family and the best friends on earth (sorry if you thought your friends were the best...mine beat yours!! haha only playing!). I'm just so thankful for everything, and I never want to take anything that I have been given for granted. Thank you...you all know who you are, and I never say it enough. Thank you. I love you all dearly and my life wouldn't be the same without you in it.
Ok...so now that I'm off that soapbox (and not teary-eyed anymore!) I suppose it's enough to call it a night. I'm tired and want to try to get a shower in while all three kids are sleeping...so I'd better act fast! I'm so proud of my babies. They do drive me insane sometimes, but they are still such good kids and I love them totally! I miss them when I'm at work, but it sure does make it that much sweeter when they come running to me when I get to the sitters to pick them up. Love my crazy-beautiful familia!!
More later this week...as long as I find the time!!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
good day!
My day at work was good--I'm trying to learn as much as I can and apply what I learn as soon as I'm able to get started! I'm very excited about that!!! I really love all the folks I'm in class with and hope I stay with them once we get out of training.
I got to see my cousin's new dog Cookie--she is a great dane who is only 14 weeks old....yet already weighs 42 pounds!! This dog was the entire purpose for my mom's trip to Florida...and after a week of Disney and beaches they picked Cookie up on the day they headed back. Hmm...seems like she was a pretty good excuse after all! She is HUGE but the sweetest dog!!! I'm so glad my cousin got her. I know I'm glad I get to play with her when I come visit! =)
I also got a phone call from my hubby tonight...and I think it was some of the best news I could have ever received. Tonight, my husband allowed Jesus to come into his heart, and be his Lord and Savior. He got saved! And of course he called me to tell me all about it. I am so proud of him. He is such a proud man and doesn't let himself be humbled too often, but throughout this entire ordeal we are currently going through, he has been on his knees more than I've ever known. I've never known him to do any of the stuff he is now, and that's a good thing. I miss him SO much, and can't wait til he is home again. I'm just so thankful to know that now, regardless of anything, when we are dead and gone from this earth, we will still be together in heaven! Like I said-I'm so happy and so proud. It's just a good feeling!
Sorry if I seem sort of blah or not very witty tonight...I am exhausted and have to wait for my mom to come home to help me practice some of my homework for tonight. I'm just so pooped, I might sit down and try to nap til she gets home. I'm sooo sleepy and 5 am rolls around way too early. Oh well...... hasta mañana!!!!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Time for bed already?
Tonight it was so funny. My sis and bro-in-law came over for dinner and some other stuff, and my sis brought her clippers with her to cut my son's hair, as he was starting to resemble the shaggy dog! So--after much unnecessary drama, my son's hair was finally cut, yet he was covered in little bitty hairs all over! There was NO way that little guy was coming back into the house like that!! So what were we to do?? What any other loving, concerned, and caring mother would do. I hosed him off with the hose pipe and made him get directly into the bathtub--no passing GO or collecting his $200! Hehee... He threw such a fit over the actual haircut, yet basked in the ice cold water that was being sprayed out on him! Go figure!! I would take a haircut any day over getting blasted with cold water!!! He thought it was the most fun thing on earth at that moment in time that he could ever be doing. I have laughed so hard...watching him with the hose trying to figure out how it works, while water is still shooting out! Thank God he as good-natured about it though...otherwise he would have just screamed more, I'm sure! *Oh--and with this new haircut, my son looks SO much more like his daddy--and so much more Mexican!!!! Of course he's handsome as all get-out...but the shorter hair makes it look so much darker! I love my little fella!!
Speaking of screaming...why on earth do small children think that the best way to communicate any dissatisfaction with the way you are handling things is to scream until their face changes colors? I have yet to understand this. My son decided to do that on the way home today--followed by my daughter screaming at me just as intensely just to inform me that her brother was screaming. As if my ears had stopped working for the past 3 miles... Does anyone understand this? I think when I listen closely, my ears are STILL ringing from all the screaming in my car today. Sure, a mini-van is a pretty good size...bu it is still very close quarters when it comes to ear-splitting decibels!!!
Well, to anyone who is reading my blogs, thank you...comments are always welcome too if you'd like. I'm going to head to bed now...my little guy should be waking up soon for a bottle but I'd love to get a nap in first. I hope everyone has a great night and I shall blog again as I can! Lovin my crazy-beautiful familia~no matter how loca it gets!!! =)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Welcome back to the world of GROWN UPS!!!
Anyhow, my kids went to the babysitter today for the first time since October of 2009, when I stopped working. I was really afraid that we were going to have some issues with this, but believe it or not, they had a blast and no crying or fussing. I'm sincerely hoping and praying for a repeat of the same tomorrow...but with my kiddos no two days are ever alike!
Speaking of my kiddos...let me tell you. My crew can make me laugh so hard. My daughter decided the other day to play pretend with a baby wipe she decided to swipe from the package--and used it like our pastor uses a handkerchief over your face when you get baptized. She put the baby wipe over her face and then laid herself down in the floor...and told her brother that was how you got "apatized". Now, to me, of course, it almost makes it sound like an appetizer...but I know in my heart of hearts she is meaning Baptized. And it #1 makes me laugh hysterically, and #2 reminds me that her little eyes sure are paying attention! Another funny thing that my son has done is call our flyswatter the "baby-swatter"...and I have no idea why...
I am so blessed to have the wonderful family that I do. I really am. That doesn't say that they don't drive me to the absolute brink sometimes, but I enjoy nothing better than a smile on their faces! I love being able to spend time with them. But I swear, for the life of me, I am so glad I am now getting to go back to work. I am so much better when I get to be in the land of the multi-syllable words and no diaper changes for a few hours. I'm so glad to be back! My, how I have missed grown ups!!!!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Today's the Day!
Ok...this post is really short...baby is up! =)
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Another old Myspace blog...
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Current mood: Category: Life This is a song that my husband says he is going to sing to me on my birthday. Iba caminando por las calles empapadas en olvido. |
Old stuff from my myspace blog...
*this was before my last son was born (or before we even were pregnant)!*
Marriage Survey The Basics
Name: Kellie Santana
Birthday: March 25
Birthplace: Nashville, TN
Where were you raised? Nashville, then in Springfield TN.
Current Location: Springfield Tn.
More about you
Are you divorced? no
Are you married? yes
Date of marriage:February 11 2006
Date you met: July 10 2005
How did he propose? He looked at me one night and said "can I keep you?" When I asked what he meant (b/c I was confused!), then he asked me!! =)
Did you cry? yes
Did he cry? yes
About him
His name: Ivan Santana
His birthdate: October 22
Where was he raised? Aguas Blancas Mexico
His occupation? Server/landscaper
The first time you saw him you thought? Whoa--he's new here...I MUST get to know him!
Where was your first date? O'Charleys-with Julie there too! I wasnt' about to go somewhere by myself when I didn't even know him!!
When was your first kiss? July 11 2005--on the stairs outside his cousin's apartment
Your life together
Do you have children? yes
If yes, how many? 2--one girl and one boy!
Was he there for the birth?YES!
How long did you wait before you had children? 1 year
If you have kids, will you have more? No more for us!! =)
Most romantic thing he has ever done? Hmm...he's always doing sweet things for me...so it's hard to pick just one. Maybe for my 24th birthday he acted like he forgot my birthday but actually threw a huge surprise party for me.
Memory of him that sticks out the most? The way he looked the first time he saw our daughter--he had the same look on his face when he first saw our son too--it's just the look of absolute love and pride and happiness. And that made me just love him even more!!!!
Is he still the only one you have eyes for? DUH!
Is your life better because of him? Yes
Does he encourage you in what you want to do? Always
Best gift he ever gave you? My children are the best gift I have ever recieved...and the fact that he was part of that makes him part of the best gift he ever gave me!
The family
What do your parents think of him? They love him.
What does he think of your parents? He loves and respects them.
What does his parents think of you? Not too sure...they've never met me!
What do you think of his parents? I know that I want to know them better!
Do either of you have siblings? Do you both get along with them? I have one sister and he has 2...and he also has a bunch of half brothers and sisters too...probably too many to count! =)
Life in ten years:
Where you'll live: In our own home...probably still in Springfield--we like it there!
What you'll be doing: Still working I'm sure...and being the best wif rto my sweetie and best mom that I can be to my wonderful babies!!
Will he still make your heart beat fast? I sure hope so--I don't want to ever lose that feeling!
Will you still know what he's thinking just by looking at him? DUH. I think I know him better than he does!!
A little more about you:
Is your life where you thought it would be at your age? Not at all!!! But I wouldn't change it for anything!
Do you regret your past? Only a couple things-but I'm a better person b/c of it!
Are you happy? Oh yes!
Okay, favorite song? Too many to name...but I'm a sap for old love songs!
Favorite singer? Once again, too many!! =)
When you have extra time, you do what? Spend time with my hubby and kids!
Favorite vacation spot? Anywhere but here!!!
Who do talk to the most on the phone? Jenn
On the computer? April!!!!!
Person you know will always make you laugh: Ivan and Rosa!!!
Smartest person you know: April!
Most giving person you know: My mom
Person you respect the most? Mom...
Most religious person? My aunt
Most creative person? Jenn!
Person you admire the most? Again, my mom
Person you would love to smack the most: haha...too many to list!
Your thoughts:
I don't understand...why people take time with their loved ones for granted...
I'm thankful for... my family! Even when stuff goes NUTS I've got Ivan to keep me sane, and my beautiful babies to make me smile, no matter how crappy the times are!!
I'm happiest when... I look into my childrens' faces and see me and my husband...and know that God let US have them...it's mind-blowing sometimes...=)
Done for the night! At least, I hope I am!
Then...I cleaned. Simply because I was really wanting to say "oh I'll just do it in the morning" til on the way back my ma decides to tell me she really is coming home tonight. YAY. Don't get me wrong--I've missed her and glad she's back! But, talk about pressure to have everything done before she gets here! Everything is pretty much back to normal and looking good...so I hope it passes muster. I'm betting that now that the house is clean she'll call and say she really is going to come back in the morning as originally planned! So far that hasn't happened, but I figure it will! I'm also betting that at least tonight, she'll be too tired to care, so I'm hoping I'll have a free pass til tomorrow at least!
Tomorrow we have church, and I know my ma won't be up for it, but I'm looking SO forward to it. It's my time to drop the kids off at their classes and have a few minutes for me! I'm gonna head to bed now...but I am really glad I started this blog. Who knows if anybody is ever going to read it--and quite frankly that's okay if they don't. It really just helps me clear my head and think better...gets my thoughts much more organized!
To any who are reading this--goodnight! I am going to try to write more tomorrow!
crazy-beautiful familia
Whew...one mystery solved...
What CAN'T my children destroy???
OK, so, right now the kids are supposed to be napping, which they aren't. Right now, I'm supposed to be cleaning, which I'm not. I guess I can't get mad at them for not following the rules if I'm not following them either! I'm sitting here at the computer amidst a messy house...messy is actually not enough of a word. Destroyed house is more like it. And, if it were just my house it wouldn't be as big of a deal...but it's my mom's house. So, that alone makes it a VERY big deal! Thankfully she is gone now til tomorrow morning--she's been in Florida all week (lucky duck) and my kids have been extra rough on the house this week. I've tried my best to keep everything nice and tidy, but we've stayed gone so much this week that I just have not been able to keep up with it! SO...tonight, even if I have to be up the entire night, I'm getting everything spic and span...but right now I just don't feel like it!
Earlier this week my children found an unopened package of Goldfish (the crackers, not animals...as a friend had to make the distinction earlier this week and was grossed out by the thought of it being actual real fish...) and smushed the crackers into the carpet. The entire bag of goldfish. Even after vacuuming for what felt like forever, some of those pesky orange crumbs are still just randomly showing up! And today, there are a bunch of them!

Once I get done at the computer I am going to have to force myself to just bite the bullet and clean up...there are enough toys in the living room to put Toys R Us to shame...and enough dishes in the sink to make you think stocks of Dawn liquid just might go up! I mean really, it's just basic maintenance, but good grief. I just want to take a nap along with the kiddos, but if I don't clean while they are resting, it doesn't do any good b/c they simply destroy the other rooms while I'm cleaning in another! Oh well...a house is made to be lived in, isn't it???
And while I'm on the subject of their crazy antics...I cannot find the remote control for the living room TV. As in, it seems to have disappeared into thin air. When I asked my two year old where it was (as he was the only kid awake when it went MIA) he easily went to the air conditioning vent and said "down there". When I repeated my question and his answer to him, he emphatically nodded yes! OH NO! What am I going to do if the remote truly IS in the vent? I lifted it up and couldn't see it, but there sure is enough room for it to have been thrown down there. The only thing is, he was in the same room as me and I NEVER saw him go down there...so maybe he is just pulling my leg. But then again, he's 2. He really doesn't know how to do that yet! UGH!! I just don't understand why they can't just be good for a little while!! But...like my title says...crazy-beautiful familia...doesn't mean it's equal parts crazy to beautiful...today the scales are tipped WAAAY on the crazy side!!!!